Friday, August 24, 2012

No streamlining here!

Thought I'd post a few photos of an interesting project that I finished a few months ago. I might use this one also for the Last Resort. Only room for one at a time, but it would depend upon my mood, which I might run at any given time.

This one is from New Zealand and is covered in my new Teakettles book. Resin parts are available for anyone who might like to build one. It uses the Bachmann On30 Street Car motor block. My favorite motor arrangement.

The original was built with a Hudson auto frame and running gear. It was successful and another unit of similar design was fashioned soon after the first was delivered. This is a bag of resin parts that needs to be combined with a 1/24 scale plastic auto or truck frame and running gear. I used 1919 Olds parts for mine. The wooden parts of the body are actually styrene. The water tank is a plaster 55 gal. drum. How it works is beyond me. I copied the original arrangement, so the real thing worked somehow! Plans are in the new book.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom,

    Would like to ascratchbuild one like this one, Can you tell me producer of the 1919 Olds car?


    Jurij Simic, Slovenia
