Friday, October 10, 2014

First look!

This is the first pilot model I have completed with the chattel house parts...

A rum shop

Monday, October 6, 2014

My desk still isn't clear!

I still have not been able to return to the Grande Barbosa Chapter One yet. Too much other stuff going on. I am going to release a set of 1/4" parts for either sheds and shacks or chattel housing. The former will work for all railroads needing such things. They can be combined into larger sheds, parts cut into "new" ones easily and multiple roofing styles. The later will be Chattel Housing for those interested in island rail lines. I am working on pilot models now and should have some photos by the end of this month.  The Chattel House was developed for slaves and was built as a portable unit. After emancipation, the houses were still lived in by them on the owner's land, but some houses were moved off this land. They were usually one room and about 10' by 20' in size. Some had additions and others were combined with another unit for a larger home. they were portable in nature with very thin walls and no insulation or interior walling. some had glass in the window areas while others used no glass and shutters only. Many were very colorful with their brightly colored exteriors.

These parts will be offered as parts only with a sheet of drawings and written assembly and painting information. They assemble very easily and can be detailed in so many different ways that complete kits are just not practical. The castings are resin in 1/8" thick pieces and can be cut easily with a single edge razor blade. They show some wear and weathering to the siding but are still fairly solid looking.

More news on these items in the future...